Environmental remediation: How does it work?

You may have heard of environmental remediation, but how does it work? According to ALS Global: “Have you ever thought about how, for example, a landfill can harm the environment? There are tons and more tons of domestic, commercial and industrial waste accumulated. In other words, it is an enormous open-air trash. “Therefore, it is…


Environmental Remediation Technology Market Size Analysis, Top Manufacturers, Shares, Growth Opportunities and Forecast to 2026

The Environmental Remediation Technology Market could see opportunity and growth. According to Navanath R: “Market Research Intellect has added a new research report titled, ‘Environmental Remediation Technology Market Professional Survey Report 2020’ to its vast collection of research reports. The Environmental Remediation Technology market is expected to grow positively for the next five years 2020-2026.…

ERG Everyday is Earth Day Recycle your household hazardous waste at ERG Michigan Ohio

April 22, 2020 ERG and Earth Day

ERG Celebrates Earth Day 2020! ERGearthdaypacket2020 ERG Environmental Services celebrates #earthday today and every day! We have put together a small packet of activity pages for kids-young and older. Just click on the blue link above for your packet. Earth Day isn’t just about recycling soup cans.  It’s about #householdhazardousWaste!  We call it #HHW We…

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

Household hazardous waste (HHW) includes products that we purchase and use every day in our homes that can harm us or the environment if they are not handled properly.  Use the following resources to locate HHW drop-off locations in Michigan: HHW Hazards Common household products that are a HHW when discarded are shown below. To see if…

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

What Are PCBs? PCBs are a group of man-made organic chemicals consisting of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine atoms. The number of chlorine atoms and their location in a PCB molecule determine many of its physical and chemical properties. PCBs have no known taste or smell, and range in consistency from an oil to a waxy…

Waste Management Benefits, Planning and Mitigation Activities for Homeland Security Incidents

The primary goal of pre-incident waste management planning is to prepare a community to effectively manage waste, debris and materials generated by a homeland security incident, including reducing the potential amount of waste generated at the outset. Communities can follow EPA’s comprehensive Pre-incident All-Hazards Four Step Waste Management (WM) Planning Process or, if resources and time are…

Waste Management

In past centuries, waste disposal was up to the individual or the local departments of health and sanitation. There was little or no distinction made in the type of waste, nor was consideration taken regarding potential health, safety, or aesthetic consequences. At this time, disposal was mainly through incineration, land filling, or disposing into rivers…