The importance of Waste Management and Recycling

Planning the waste management and recycling for all of the rubbish produced in this country is an enormous task which involves both logistical planning and scientific knowledge and understanding in order to balance the impact on the environment and the cost effectiveness of the process. Waste management and recycling companies are also feeling an extra…

7 Steps to Shrink Your Trash

Step 1: Reduce Make less waste in the first place! Buy things that last longer and have little or no packaging. Buy the big bag of chips and take your servings in reusable containers (Twelve – 1/2 ounce bags of chips make 9 times as much trash as one six – ounce bag and may…

Status of Waste Management

1.1. Solid waste characterisationWaste characterization is a waste stream analysis which involves a logical and systematic approach to obtaining and analyzing data on one or more waste streams or sub-streams. Waste characterization provides an estimate of solid waste quantity and composition. Two commonly use method of waste characterization are – material flow approach and site-specific…

Waste Disposal

We observe heaps of garbage lying along the roads while passing through a highway. Open dumping is the most common method of waste disposal in India. The trash heaps are usually left open to the environment and the elements. These seldom have a sparse covering which can often attract pests or vermin. Sometimes, these dumps…

Household Chemical Emergencies

Nearly every household uses products containing hazardous materials or chemicals. Knowing how to handle these products can reduce the risk of injury. Hazardous household chemicals may include: Aerosol cans (including hair spray and deodorant)Nail polish and nail polish removerCleaning products and furniture polishesPesticidesAutomotive products (like antifreeze or motor oil)Miscellaneous items (like batteries, mercury thermometers and…

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

EPA considers some leftover household products that can catch fire, react, or explode under certain circumstances, or that are corrosive or toxic as household hazardous waste. Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides can contain hazardous ingredients and require special care when you dispose of them. Safe Management of HHW To avoid the…

Managing Hazardous Waste

What is Household Hazardous Waste?Household hazardous waste is a waste that is generated by you, as a resident and household, while performing household activities and maintenance in and around your home (e.g., cleaning, home improvement, car maintenance). Household hazardous waste DOES NOT include waste that is generated while operating a business at a residence. [Health…

The Facts on Food Waste

According to the National Resources Defense Council, America loses up to 40 percent of its food from farm to fork to landfill. This means that Americans are overbuying and underusing food. Food waste comes at a cost. When almost 97 percent of food waste generated in the United States (33 million tons annually) ends up…