Decontamination and Waste Disposal

ERG delivers the complete spectrum of waste management and remediation services. We handle all aspects of waste transaction including sampling, laboratory analysis, waste characterization, packaging, marking, labeling, manifest documents, transportation and recycling/disposal. And our site remediation services are among the most comprehensive and respected in the industry. Call us to speak to a representative and see how we can help you.

  • Onsite Mercury Decontamination Services
  • Permitted Part B Disposal Facility
  • Own and Operate Mercury Retorting Operation
  • Liquid Mercury/Mercury Device Recycling

What to do if you have a Mercury Spill? Contact ERG – Mercury Management Specialists

  • Do NOT use a shop vac or vacuum
  • Do not sweep/blow dirt containing mercury with compressed air
  • Do not use cleaning chemicals to clean up mercury — releases toxic gases
  • Do not use a broom or brushes to sweep as it will break it down into smaller beads and spread it around
  • Never allow Mercury to go down a drain
  • NEVER allow people whose clothing or shoes may be contaminated to walk around or leave the spill area until contaminated items have been removed

Environmental Services